
Xtest vel felis mollis, pretium sem at, pellentesque nibh. Fusce sed neque in diam auctor molestie at eget erat. Quisque mattis, purus eu convallis consectetur, tortor sapien venenatis orci, id commodo elit urna nec diam. Xtest in pharetra nunc, a consectetur magna. Nullam auctor eleifend elit, eget sollicitudin nisi vehicula ut. Nam vehicula libero vel lacinia porttitor. Sed sit amet …


Metamathematics is the study of mathematics itself using mathematical methods. This study produces metatheories, which are mathematical theories about other mathematical theories. Emphasis on metamathematics (and perhaps the creation of the term itself) owes itself to David Hilbert‘s attempt to secure the foundations of mathematics in the early part of the 20th century. Metamathematics provides “a rigorous mathematical technique for investigating a great variety of foundation problems …